Free unlimited use for videos under 5 minutes. Basic editing features available, including cutting, merging, cropping, adding effects, etc. Offers advanced parameter settings, such as codec, resolution, bitrate, etc. Quality-oriented MOV to MP4 conversion without watermark. Simple, intuitive, and easy-to-use interface. Hit RUN to start converting the MOV file(s) to MP4. Click the gear icon named Option to set format properties like frame rate, resolution, etc (optional). Go to the Video tab at the bottom of the interface, then select MP4 H.264 as Target Format. Import your video(s) to the program by clicking the +Video button in the upper left corner. Launch VideoProc Converter and choose the Video menu from the welcome screen.
If you have iCloud Photos enabled, you can access the video from all Apple devices signed into the same iCloud account.To convert MOV to MP4 on Mac and Windows, follow the steps below.
Drag the exported movie file into the Photos app to add the movie to your photo library. Choose a location to save the video file, then click Save. Choosing a higher resolution produces a larger file that’s great for viewing on a Mac or on a high-definition television (HDTV) through Apple TV. Choosing a lower resolution produces a smaller file that uploads to the web more quickly. The default resolution is based on the content of your movie.
Click the Resolution pop-up menu and choose a size for your video. If you’re editing a project, click the Share button. From the Projects browser, select the iMovie project you want to send, click the More button, then choose Share Project.
If you want to email the movie using another email client or other service, you should also save the movie as a file. When you save the movie as a file, you can add the movie to your Photos library, store it in iCloud Drive, or save it in another location.