Because Tokiya went through so many obstacles, he got more soft throughout the seasons or episodes, whichever you prefer. Since I am following the wiki's format, if you haven't noticed so far, they talk about Tokiya's improvement in the show ! Little fact, Tokiya was actually voted the most improved character in show, also of course, Masato ! In the very beginning of the show, we discussed that Tokiya was cold hearted, or it seemed like it. As the storyline progresses a little, very little, we can see Tokiya being upset that he could not get Masato to embrace him. Tokiya's acting should've been "perfect" as to get Masato to embrace him, but as we all know, he couldn't. Moving on, since we already know that Tokiya is a perfectionist, and in season two, well, in most people's scene, according to the ice breakers I've read, Tokiya tries to help Masato out by acting as a female for Masato to embrace her. I actually like to believe because of what his agent told him to do a different thing besides singing,and because it hurt his pride, he would give less to singing, wouldn't you ? This is a more realistic reason than just he just felt guilt of being Hayato. I don't like to believe that, the reason he could be guilty of Hayato is just that Tokiya is a soft tortilla and he would feel bad for most things. I searched through the wiki of this, they stated it was probably because he felt guilty of also being Hayato.

In the beginning of the series, Tokiya could be looked at cold hearted, and just like how Hyuga Ryuya states that because Tokiya isn't giving his heart to his singing, he can't improve. In the brief description of Tokiya, we had said that Tokiya is a perfectionist, that is still considered one of his traits for his personality.